It's like 11 pm ++ n still I feel like blogging b4 I go to sleep..hehe..
Well, a friend of mine asked me a simple question but yet not simple as it seems...the questioned was " belum ada komitmen kah mau kahwin?" ..hehe..komitmen ahh..
This is the way I answered her..
For me, the moment u step into a relationship means couple lah kan..u r indeed signing urself for a "commitment" ..the moment u n ur couple agree to get engaged is a big "commitment" ..n well, the moment u decide to get married is already a commitment u made since u 1st got engaged..so, belum ada komitmen tuk kawin is so damn FUNNY kay..
To be engaged bukan main2 k..I sendiri pun have to think long about it, am I ready or so on..I am the type of person that commits in a long term relationship, once brake-up, I tidak akan patah balik..hehe..ok back to the topic..
It's not that bukan tidak ada komitmen mau kawin, it's just we need to wait for the right time to make it happen ..kalo belum ada komitmen mau kawin, bgus jan tunang dari awal kan..hehe...sepa tidak mahu kawin..hahaha..sa mau kawin but not the right time yet..yg penting I am happy with my fiancee..if it's meant to be, it will be.. :)
Kelam kabut kawin pun bukan bawa faedah pun, when the right time finally arrive, I am sure it will be the best decision u ever make :) komitmen tetap ada..kalo tidak ada komitmen, things will just fall apart...
Hehe...mcm keja jugak, b4 u accept keja tu, u kena fikir panjang kan..once u accept n signed the offer letter, u r already involved in a commitment to do the job as good as possible..flying colours lagi yoo..ahaha..
ok..sa pun tia tau pa sa type nie..mata sa mau juling sa..mau tidur..bsuk kerja lagi..n lotsa works waiting for me..huhu..nah..komitmen sudah mau antar b4 dateline approach..hehe..
'Till then ..
Judy :)
Sent by DiGi from my BlackBerry® Smartphone
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Monday, April 18, 2011
Akademi Fantasia...~~
LOL....i wanna blog about Akademi Fantasia a bit...hehe..jan ada terasa sudah..dis is just my opinion..
okay...well, as i dgr AF9 teruk okay...even the student from Sabah...hmmm...i am not watching AF , i am an AI fans...yesh..American Idol.. :)
Since everone is buzzing about how the contestant from Sabah nyanyi sumbang lah...lagu x ngam lah...so i decided pergi tengok d Youtube...hahah...oh well..some what the people are buzzing is in fact true enough..hiihi..kesian student AF ah..
This is wat i dont understand, who assign the songs to the student??...yg tukang bagi lagu ma student ni pun mcm x tau level suara student tau...bg lagu pun x ngam..yesh i know, watever the songs assigned to the student, they should be able to deliver kan...x kisah lah rock kah, pop kah, dangdut kah, balada kah tapiiiiii.....yg tukang assign lagu ni mesti mau paham juga tahap student nyanyi....aduiii....mau bg lagu pun biar ngam..nah..tgk, student juga kena time konsert, key lagu pun x ngam ma student punya suara...so...ini salah student kah ..salah tukang bg lagu??...i think kan bgus for all konsert, student bleh pilih lagu sendiri, just set wat theme for that week n student pilih lah lagu yg penting ngam sama theme...nyanyi lagu yg dorang feel dorang okay...kan..kan..kan...nanti time konsert baru lah pengkritik ni, kritik lah suka kah tidak..kritik smpai puas2...hahaha!!...
Second, pre-konsert rehersal...adididi....bukan ini ada dorang buat meh??...the so-called teachers evaluate lu then tell the students pa yg x ngam..pa yg patut improve???...Teachers, u know by just saying " do the best time konsert & good luck" is not gonna help when it comes in front of the judges...the teachers should know better kan if the student ready for the konsert or not...help the students to improve their singing performances...haiyaaa...cikgu, lu buat pa????....hmmm..the students is given a week to memorize the song...think how the performances should be...n yeah..the teachers should play the biggest part of all, guide the students...ni mcm tiada kena guide ja ni..mcm cikgu dgr2 ja then kritik then bsuk konsert..adesss...quality man quality...so sad lah the quality of the performances....
Thirdly, sekarang ada sudah lagi...erm..."replacement student" kunun...ahahahah!!!...can i have the biggest laughhhh!!!...dear AF, y do u pick those student if u r second guessing them now???...siap mau replace ah sepa tidak improve...hahaha!!...adoiii....sepa yg mau improve ini tau...student of coz n yeshhhh...the teachers also ahh...hihihi...u should have known from the beginning ini student layak or not to be in AF..n oh ya...actually student punya suara okay bah...cuma lagu yg kena bagi..so sad ahh!!...tolong lah ..key inda ngam ma suara tu student...hurmm...replacement ah...mcm mana student mau improve nie...haiyooo..if the students have to work hard...your tenaga pengajar juga mesti mau work hard ahh~~....
Sorry ah if ada yg rasa pa yg sa blog inda ngam sana hati kamurang tapi..hey..this is the reality of the show n wats going on with the show...
To the student from Sabah, Nera & Lena...all the best to u guys...mcm cikgu-cikgu kamu ckp "do the best masa konsert kay" ...hihihi...but seriously, do something to make the judges eat back their critics..bah, konsert ke-3 kena suruh pilih lagu sendiri kah ..if not, kena replace...bah pa lagi cari lagu yg the best...hihihi...
salah siapa lah ni...salah student? salah tenaga pengajar? salah management??...huhuuhu..u decide...
i am no singer, musicians nor song producer...i am no expert in music or watever but hey this is just how i see it...heheh....
this is just my honest opinions... :)
'till then...
Judy :)
"pasti berjaya di Akademi Fantasia.... "
okay...well, as i dgr AF9 teruk okay...even the student from Sabah...hmmm...i am not watching AF , i am an AI fans...yesh..American Idol.. :)
Since everone is buzzing about how the contestant from Sabah nyanyi sumbang lah...lagu x ngam lah...so i decided pergi tengok d Youtube...hahah...oh well..some what the people are buzzing is in fact true enough..hiihi..kesian student AF ah..
This is wat i dont understand, who assign the songs to the student??...yg tukang bagi lagu ma student ni pun mcm x tau level suara student tau...bg lagu pun x ngam..yesh i know, watever the songs assigned to the student, they should be able to deliver kan...x kisah lah rock kah, pop kah, dangdut kah, balada kah tapiiiiii.....yg tukang assign lagu ni mesti mau paham juga tahap student nyanyi....aduiii....mau bg lagu pun biar ngam..nah..tgk, student juga kena time konsert, key lagu pun x ngam ma student punya suara...so...ini salah student kah ..salah tukang bg lagu??...i think kan bgus for all konsert, student bleh pilih lagu sendiri, just set wat theme for that week n student pilih lah lagu yg penting ngam sama theme...nyanyi lagu yg dorang feel dorang okay...kan..kan..kan...nanti time konsert baru lah pengkritik ni, kritik lah suka kah tidak..kritik smpai puas2...hahaha!!...
Second, pre-konsert rehersal...adididi....bukan ini ada dorang buat meh??...the so-called teachers evaluate lu then tell the students pa yg x ngam..pa yg patut improve???...Teachers, u know by just saying " do the best time konsert & good luck" is not gonna help when it comes in front of the judges...the teachers should know better kan if the student ready for the konsert or not...help the students to improve their singing performances...haiyaaa...cikgu, lu buat pa????....hmmm..the students is given a week to memorize the song...think how the performances should be...n yeah..the teachers should play the biggest part of all, guide the students...ni mcm tiada kena guide ja ni..mcm cikgu dgr2 ja then kritik then bsuk konsert..adesss...quality man quality...so sad lah the quality of the performances....
Thirdly, sekarang ada sudah lagi...erm..."replacement student" kunun...ahahahah!!!...can i have the biggest laughhhh!!!...dear AF, y do u pick those student if u r second guessing them now???...siap mau replace ah sepa tidak improve...hahaha!!...adoiii....sepa yg mau improve ini tau...student of coz n yeshhhh...the teachers also ahh...hihihi...u should have known from the beginning ini student layak or not to be in AF..n oh ya...actually student punya suara okay bah...cuma lagu yg kena bagi..so sad ahh!!...tolong lah ..key inda ngam ma suara tu student...hurmm...replacement ah...mcm mana student mau improve nie...haiyooo..if the students have to work hard...your tenaga pengajar juga mesti mau work hard ahh~~....
Sorry ah if ada yg rasa pa yg sa blog inda ngam sana hati kamurang tapi..hey..this is the reality of the show n wats going on with the show...
To the student from Sabah, Nera & Lena...all the best to u guys...mcm cikgu-cikgu kamu ckp "do the best masa konsert kay" ...hihihi...but seriously, do something to make the judges eat back their critics..bah, konsert ke-3 kena suruh pilih lagu sendiri kah ..if not, kena replace...bah pa lagi cari lagu yg the best...hihihi...
salah siapa lah ni...salah student? salah tenaga pengajar? salah management??...huhuuhu..u decide...
i am no singer, musicians nor song producer...i am no expert in music or watever but hey this is just how i see it...heheh....
this is just my honest opinions... :)
'till then...
Judy :)
Friday, April 15, 2011
I am in dillema about my current job...i just came back from lunchie with dear Ms.P...we had a great chat about work stuff & all....yeah...i'm in dillema right now..
U see, it's not that i dont like my job, i just have a few issues with it..hmmm....my current salary..ermm..org ckp..."okayyy ohhh" ...haha..yeah, for that part, no complaint... :)
I am sure that we need to l.o.v.e our job to be able to enjoy it kan....well, so far for me...i do like my job it's just that, i don't really enjoy my job the way i am supposed to....i have some issues with some sides which i dont think i should mention here (it's not appropriate to say names here....) ...
..hmm...i really do feel left out ni from the "things" that i should be involve & that i should know!!.....Sometimes i questioned my positions here...whats my function again..??
For the moment, i think i'll stick with this job...wait till there is a gud offer...n yeah, a job that i gonna enjoy and of coz the the pay have to GOOD!!... :)
okay lah...sa pun x tau pa yg sa complaint nie..ngehh!!~~..sorry if i wasted ur 2 minits reading this...woopppssiieee...~~ :p
Judy :)
I am in dillema about my current job...i just came back from lunchie with dear Ms.P...we had a great chat about work stuff & all....yeah...i'm in dillema right now..
U see, it's not that i dont like my job, i just have a few issues with it..hmmm....my current salary..ermm..org ckp..."okayyy ohhh" ...haha..yeah, for that part, no complaint... :)
I am sure that we need to l.o.v.e our job to be able to enjoy it kan....well, so far for me...i do like my job it's just that, i don't really enjoy my job the way i am supposed to....i have some issues with some sides which i dont think i should mention here (it's not appropriate to say names here....) ...
..hmm...i really do feel left out ni from the "things" that i should be involve & that i should know!!.....Sometimes i questioned my positions here...whats my function again..??
For the moment, i think i'll stick with this job...wait till there is a gud offer...n yeah, a job that i gonna enjoy and of coz the the pay have to GOOD!!... :)
okay lah...sa pun x tau pa yg sa complaint nie..ngehh!!~~..sorry if i wasted ur 2 minits reading this...woopppssiieee...~~ :p
Judy :)
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
here's something to share with u guys... :)
Life is an opportunity, benefit from it.
Life is beauty, admire it.
Life is bliss, taste it.
Life is a dream, realize it.
Life is a challenge, meet it.
Life is a duty, complete it.
Life is a game, play it.
Life is a promise, fulfill it.
Life is sorrow, overcome it.
Life is a song, sing it.
Life is a struggle, accept it.
Life is a tragedy, confront it.
Life is an adventure, dare it.
Life is luck, make it.
Life is too precious, do not destroy it.
Life is life, fight for it....
Judy :)
here's something to share with u guys... :)
Life is an opportunity, benefit from it.
Life is beauty, admire it.
Life is bliss, taste it.
Life is a dream, realize it.
Life is a challenge, meet it.
Life is a duty, complete it.
Life is a game, play it.
Life is a promise, fulfill it.
Life is sorrow, overcome it.
Life is a song, sing it.
Life is a struggle, accept it.
Life is a tragedy, confront it.
Life is an adventure, dare it.
Life is luck, make it.
Life is too precious, do not destroy it.
Life is life, fight for it....
~Mother Teresa~
Judy :)
Monday, April 11, 2011
Our lasagna story... :D
weekend goes by so fast...here is mr.monday...pffftt..!!.. how was ur weekend?.. :)
My sunday was hillarious, oh well, my sunday with Ms. K... hihi...my dearest Mr. G has a date with my father.. okkaayy..here goes..
I woke up early and started doing the laundry and other house chores..as usual... when i was done with all of that, it was afternoon.. you see, i did not had my breaky in the morning...as i was bbm-ing with Ms.K, kelaparan began to come to my mind, all the cacing in my perut sedang ber-boxing sudah k... when im hungry, all the yummy food came across my mind mcm slideshow ahhh...hahah!
i told Ms. K that we should bake lasagna & *toink* Ms. K was thinking the same thing...haha...!! but *tettttt* ....nie dua org miskin separuh jiwa kayyy...it's only 10th April ahh ..belum smpai pun tgh bulan...first, i was thinking we should go buy all the brg2 then i can swipe using my CC but you see, my CC i have to control okay..kena warning udah oleh Mr. G..hihihi... punah harapan mau buat lasagna..cash pun tiada...dlm purse ada rm 11 and Ms. K has rm 20...KESIAN kan..!!!...
Then, Ms. K somehow manage to get cash by a source who shall not be named..hahah!!..then we r off to Merdeka supermarket..mind you, sudah miskin, ada hati lagi pg Merdeka ah..hahah!!..we were about to enter the supermarket, i said to Ms.K..."kita 2 org paling miskin nie masuk cni, at this very moment " lol!!...
We end up buying 500gm minced beef (rm 10) 2 tin of tomato puree (rm7) 2 nos Mozzarella cheese (rm 16), tin foil (rm3.50) and fresh milk (rm 4.05)..nah...ini sudah rm40 ++ ...oh ya...20 sen tuk tu plastik..hihihi...Ms. K paid for all the above .. me? i sponsor carrot, onion, tomato, sugar, flour , salt ...ni semua ada drumah ah... hahaha!
So, we went back to my house & started chopping cookingg baking....& tadaaaaaaaa......
and here Ms. K... :)
sudah miskin ada hati lagi mau buat lasagna...ahahahah!!!
my owh my...Ms. K...we sure fill our sunday with kebodohan and desperateeeee for a lasagna..betul2 susah senang bersama-sama ahh....ahahhaha!!!
i owe u Ikan pari Lido & dumplingsss... :D
'till the next post...
Judy :)
weekend goes by so fast...here is mr.monday...pffftt..!!.. how was ur weekend?.. :)
My sunday was hillarious, oh well, my sunday with Ms. K... hihi...my dearest Mr. G has a date with my father.. okkaayy..here goes..
I woke up early and started doing the laundry and other house chores..as usual... when i was done with all of that, it was afternoon.. you see, i did not had my breaky in the morning...as i was bbm-ing with Ms.K, kelaparan began to come to my mind, all the cacing in my perut sedang ber-boxing sudah k... when im hungry, all the yummy food came across my mind mcm slideshow ahhh...hahah!
i told Ms. K that we should bake lasagna & *toink* Ms. K was thinking the same thing...haha...!! but *tettttt* ....nie dua org miskin separuh jiwa kayyy...it's only 10th April ahh ..belum smpai pun tgh bulan...first, i was thinking we should go buy all the brg2 then i can swipe using my CC but you see, my CC i have to control okay..kena warning udah oleh Mr. G..hihihi... punah harapan mau buat lasagna..cash pun tiada...dlm purse ada rm 11 and Ms. K has rm 20...KESIAN kan..!!!...
Then, Ms. K somehow manage to get cash by a source who shall not be named..hahah!!..then we r off to Merdeka supermarket..mind you, sudah miskin, ada hati lagi pg Merdeka ah..hahah!!..we were about to enter the supermarket, i said to Ms.K..."kita 2 org paling miskin nie masuk cni, at this very moment " lol!!...
We end up buying 500gm minced beef (rm 10) 2 tin of tomato puree (rm7) 2 nos Mozzarella cheese (rm 16), tin foil (rm3.50) and fresh milk (rm 4.05)..nah...ini sudah rm40 ++ ...oh ya...20 sen tuk tu plastik..hihihi...Ms. K paid for all the above .. me? i sponsor carrot, onion, tomato, sugar, flour , salt ...ni semua ada drumah ah... hahaha!
So, we went back to my house & started chopping cookingg baking....& tadaaaaaaaa......
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OUR LASAGNA...hihihi.. :) |
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Ms.K ....hihihi.. :) |
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sorry lah bah nmpk x sedap...but for us...yummy.. :) |
i owe u Ikan pari Lido & dumplingsss... :D
'till the next post...
Judy :)
Friday, April 8, 2011
Wish U were here :)
A song i wanna share with U guys.. :)
"And I remember, all those crazy things you said ..You left them running through my head...You're always there, you're everywhere ....But right now I wish you were here....." :)
'till then...
Judy :)
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Not a very good morning to start with...
hurmm....it's official, i sucks big time in doing my minutes.... :(
don't get me wrong...i do love my job but this minutes thingy are making me 2nd guessing.... : (
here comes the gloomy wednesday for me..... =_='
'till the next post..
Judy :(
Not a very good morning to start with...
hurmm....it's official, i sucks big time in doing my minutes.... :(
don't get me wrong...i do love my job but this minutes thingy are making me 2nd guessing.... : (
here comes the gloomy wednesday for me..... =_='
'till the next post..
Judy :(
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
wHo Says.. ?
Finished my very important work just now, burden lifted...HAPPPY!!..
i have a song which i wanna share with u guys ....i hope u like it as much as i do... :))
** we need to have our own self-confidence..we can always listen to other people but not all the time... sometimes, we need to stand up and be true to ourself..if we believe, we can achieve anything....so, who says....?? :D
Finished my very important work just now, burden lifted...HAPPPY!!..
i have a song which i wanna share with u guys ....i hope u like it as much as i do... :))
** we need to have our own self-confidence..we can always listen to other people but not all the time... sometimes, we need to stand up and be true to ourself..if we believe, we can achieve anything....so, who says....?? :D
"I'm no beauty queen, "
"I'm just beautiful me."
"I'm just beautiful me."
'till the next post....
Judy :)
Monday, April 4, 2011
Dear "U",
Walk the talk...don't complaint about others if ur acting like one!!....
JUDY! :)
Walk the talk...don't complaint about others if ur acting like one!!....
JUDY! :)
Helloo to Monday and here goes to another weeekkk..counting days to F.R.I.D.A.Y...~~
Oh well, im gonna update dis blog before i start "working hard" ..hihihi.. :)
My weekend passed me by so fast..whr did friday nite go??..hurmm...for saturday...nuthin' much happen, just when jalan2 buang boring with Ms.K....we had bbq on hot..hot sunday noon.... hah!
Today a lot of work to be done..dateline of coz...n oh ya...i have a little thing to attend... hoping it would be a good one *crossing fingers*..
last week was crazy to the maxxxx!...let this week be kind to me...preeettttyy pleassseeee =_="
okay..am off working...gonna focus...FB shooooo!!...ahaha!....1 minute from now, i know my eyes gonna be all over FB...shiettsss...!!..
need to focusss!!!....work..workk...workk...!!
sorry dis post is boring!..let me finish my report & i will blog something worth reading kayyy...
'till the next complaining post!.
Judy :)
Helloo to Monday and here goes to another weeekkk..counting days to F.R.I.D.A.Y...~~
Oh well, im gonna update dis blog before i start "working hard" ..hihihi.. :)
My weekend passed me by so fast..whr did friday nite go??..hurmm...for saturday...nuthin' much happen, just when jalan2 buang boring with Ms.K....we had bbq on hot..hot sunday noon.... hah!
Today a lot of work to be done..dateline of coz...n oh ya...i have a little thing to attend... hoping it would be a good one *crossing fingers*..
last week was crazy to the maxxxx!...let this week be kind to me...preeettttyy pleassseeee =_="
okay..am off working...gonna focus...FB shooooo!!...ahaha!....1 minute from now, i know my eyes gonna be all over FB...shiettsss...!!..
need to focusss!!!....work..workk...workk...!!
sorry dis post is boring!..let me finish my report & i will blog something worth reading kayyy...
'till the next complaining post!.
Judy :)
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